The collection is inspired by the Grand Tour, the journey that some young British made through the Silk Road during the 18th century with the reign of Jorge III. The protagonist of our journey decides, after visiting Pompeya and Athens, to continue to India crossing Constantinople. Needed from new sources of inspiration, it is in India where it finds them. Printed on cotton with plant, floral and geometric patterns repeated rhythmically.
Sebastian, the name of our traveler, also finds prints of the Far East with figures printed on gold background and embroidered in multicoloured silk.
With all this information, he took the road back to London, this time changing the route through the Mediterranean with stops in Sicily, Naples, Corsica and finally Menorca, belonging to the British Crown at that time.
Sebastian was impressed by the Mediterranean air, the smells of fig, lemon and lavender, but above all by the colors. All ranges of blue, from turquoise to indigo, green water, emerald and vine leaves... The architecture of Mahon, with its white facades of green windows or ochre shades, yellow, gray and pink...
Sebastian thought that the Indian prints he had seen were too flat, but that by giving them the air of the Mediterranean they would gain in freshness and, why not, modernity.
This is how the Mah is born, with the fusion of different worlds and influences; the classic Indian prints and the Chinese of lacquers and embroidered silks renewed and adapted to the Mediterranean colour, always from a Western, young and traveler point of view, as is in our imaginary the aristocrat of blue eyes Sebastian.